Search Results for "rippling hard musclegirl"


Fan's Fantasy Falls Flat - PDF

Fan's Fantasy Falls Flat
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Carlos)

When Super FBB fan Dave gets front row seats to cheer on his favorite rippling hard musclegirl to First Place, he incurs the Wrath of the Second Place winner, Kasie, who proceeds to follow him back to his hotel room to teach him a Very Hard lesson. With hold after crushing hold she harshly bends and twists and mangles his body, getting her Payback on him for causing her to lose, making sure in the end that he is in her corner for next year's show, cheering her to victory - Or Else! Very cool artwork by Carlos on this one!

Super FBB fan front row seats favorite rippling hard musclegirl First Place Wrath Second Place winner Kasie hotel room Very Hard lesson crushing hold bends twists mangles Payback lose corner show victory artwork Carlos

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